A day begins in an electronic’s shopping street and ends in a landfill not far away. Propelled by magnificent orchestra music, salesmen, buyers, garbagemen and ‘canners’ become agents of an epic saga that goes on between consumption and discard.
Direção: Roberta Bonoldi
5a Mostra Ecofalante - São Paulo, Brazil - Best Short Film by the Jury // Innsbruck Nature Film Festival 2016 - Austria - Best Short Film Young Talents Under 25 // FICBIC 2015 - Curitiba, Brazil - 3rd Place Short Documentary // 14o Festival NOIA - Fortaleza, Brazil - Best editing // 12o Festival Imagem-Movimento - Macapá, Brazil - Mostra Quintessência // 7o CINE B Awards - São Paulo, Brazil - Itinerância em parceria com Festival Noia // 3a Mostra de Gostoso - São Miguel do Gostoso, Brazil - Mostra Panorama